Basic Pre-Designed Letterheads

Basic pre-designed letterheads have been created for each campus, Big Spring, Lamesa, San Angelo, and SWCD as well as each Athletic department, Baseball, Basketball (Men’s, Women’s), Rodeo, and Softball (Sample Page “Basic Athletics Letterhead”). These letterheads can be used for any official document or general need. These documents can be requested on the form below and will be emailed to you as Microsoft Word Template (.dotx) files.

Customized Letterheads

Custom designed and personalized letterheads are available for any Howard College individual, office, department or entity as requested. To order official customized Howard College letterheads, please complete the request form. Please be sure the information is provided as you wish it to appear on the item being printed, including proper spelling and correct appearance.

Your primary campus address will be included by default on the letterhead:

1001 Birdwell Lane, Big Spring, TX 79720   (Big Spring Campus)
702 E. Broadway, Eden, TX 76837   (Eden Detention Center)
1900 Simler Ave, Big Spring, TX 79720  (Federal Correction Institute FCI)
1810 Lubbock Highway, Lamesa, TX 79331   (Lamesa Campus)
3501 N. US Highway 67, San Angelo, TX 76905   (San Angelo Campus WTTC)
3200 Ave. C, Big Spring, TX 79720   (SWCD Campus)

A school motto or name and primary internet address will be included by default centered in the footer section of the letterhead:

“For Earning, for Learning, for Life.” (Howard College motto)    (standard Howard College web address)

Southwest College for the Deaf (SWCD Name)    (standard SWCD web address)

Letterhead Request Form